While I would love it if you just went to my books and bought everything
I would dearly love if you could give me a gift … for free. It will cost you nothing but time.
See, if you go to My Books and fill reviews for the books of mine you’ve read, that would help immensely.
Of course, some books need reviews more than others... because 100 is a magic number. Amazon gifts me a unicorn or something.
So if you wouldn't mind, if there are books kicking around that you've read and have not reviewed, could you please do so? A few lines about how perfect and awesome the books are wouldn't go amiss. Maybe some anthologies (which would help more than just me).
The White Ops novels are in particular need of reviews. Not ratings, reviews … though I’m not going to say no to a positive rating.
This even includes the individual parts of Too Secret Service and Dances with Werewolves. Remember — Amazon algorithms are a pain in the ass, and ever evolving to play havoc with how they push your book, and who they show the books to.
A lot of what’s coming up will just be Christmas music. So, enjoy.
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