And, when asked at the DragonCon Panel about when the rights revert back to him, he rattled off a number down to the days and the hours left.
Not that he's bitter or anything ... though he might have a countdown app.
The premise of the Dresden File novels: think of one parts Philip Marlow and one part Gandalf on meth; Wizard as Private Eye.
The series starts with a serial killer in Chicago
So, of course, the title has to be Storm Front.
To be honest, I wasn't very thrilled. It was fun, that was certain, but it seemed a little ... lacking. It may have just been me. However, I got a 3-in-1 volume, so I figured I would give it until the end of the volume and see exactly where Butcher thought he was going with the entire series.
It turns out that I chose wisely.
If book one was the evil, magic-using serial killer that uses the lightning as a weapon, the sequel must have werewolves, right? Logical progression.
Anyway, this one was definitely more interesting, with a suspect pool that relies on knowing several varieties of werewolf, and ends with a three-way shootout.
And Butcher does a nice job of recreating parts of the Terminator in a police station, only with a werewolf
Apparently, Dresden is building up to an “apocalyptic trilogy” for a finale that will probably involve wizards, vampires, the fae
And his most recent novel is called Ghost Story
It's some nice, solid tactics and strategy, and good character too. If you don't believe me, ask my friend Jason.
Who, by the way, will not shut up about Ghost Story. :)
Anyway, that's all for the day. Enjoy
Yep. He's right. Go finish reading Ghost Story so I can babble about it!