Originally posted on Substack, July 29, 2024
Now that the French, especially the artist, have admitted that yes, we were insulting Christians and promoting pedos in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and we're going to throw in the Golden Calf just for kicks, we can have a discussion.
That discussion is, why do we care?
Let's face it, this is not new, nor is it really news. If you've been Christian and awake for the past 30 years, the mainstream has lumped all of us together, and summed us up by only the fringiest of fringe weirdos.
We're pissed about this only because the Olympics rubbed our noses in it during what was supposed to be a PG (at worst) moment of primetime. It was going to be a family moment. Instead, we had a collection of perverts flashing X-rated parts at us, while also insulting a third of the world's population direction.
But this is only because YOU. SAW. IT.
Meanwhile, without looking it up, can you tell me how many churches have been burned / attacked in North America in the last year or two?
If you guessed 300, you'd be UNDERestimating it. That's just the number in Canada.
Since May 2020, at least 426 Catholic churches have been attacked in the UNITED STATES.
Without looking it up: How many Catholic pregnancy centers have been attacked since the Dobbs ruling?
Nearly a hundred. And the FBI is taking evidence and “losing it.”
How many churches have been burned / attacked in France?
“France loses a religious building every two weeks” (May 05, 2021): 877 attacks on Catholic places of worship were recorded across France in 2018 alone. But the French aren't investigating because they nationalized all the Churches in the late 1800s, so this is "government property" the government didn't earn and didn't build.
But, you don't hear about it, so you don't care. You can't care, because you've never heard of it.
But you saw the Olympics, so you can care about that. Whatever elitist running the games wanted you to see it. They wanted to rub your face in it. Then they said "Nope, not us" when it cost them money.
Finally, after four days, some nations are actually muttering at the Olympics. How nice. But none of these people will pull out. Has a single athlete said "F U, I'm going home, you froggy buggers"? Not that I heard of.
If we genuinely cared, we would have pulled after the opening ceremonies. If we really cared, we would be insisting the French government investigate their anti-Catholic problem. But then again, we can't gin up the outrage to have the FBI do their jobs and arrest people for burning down over a thousand Catholic Church properties in the US alone.
But we don't care. We never will care. Because no one's going to pay attention to it. Will anyone even remember the Olympics in a month? Will you even remember this post in a week? Tomorrow?
Oh, and there are Catholics, right now, typing away in the comments about how we can’t be mean about our response.
And some of you Protestants— you know, the ones who come to my feeds and call me a bigot or a pagan or an idolater— are going to tell me that we don't count, we're not Christian.
And some of you have already come to my feeds and tell me that it's not nearly as bad as anti-Semitism. THAT was a fun day.
Oh, and of course, some of our Mormon brethren have been crowing "Now you know how it feels!" Why? Because the guys from South Park--who go out of their way to insult every human being on the planet--made a musical about them specifically. I've heard nothing from "The Book of Mormon" except that it exists. It's a musical with no hit songs, a comedy with no jokes that have hit the mainstream, and services Manhattanites like a bull services a cow. I lived in New York my entire life, and I saw a commercial or two for it when it came out.
Rolf Hoccuth's 1963 play "The Deputy" was written by a former Hitler Youth to blame the Catholic Church for the Holocaust, and is still fueling anti-Catholic BS today. Been there. Done that.
So LDS, if you think it's bad now, it can be worse. BoM will never hit mainstream. Unless you want to Streisand it.
Yeah, “Before the world hated you, they hated Me.” But no, you guys are the special ones.
What’s my point? My point is unless ALL OF US band together and push back on the anti-Yahweh bandwagon (is that generic enough?), ALL OF US are screwed eventually. We must all hang together or we will hang separately.
Pointing and laughing and going “Ha ha! Now you know how it feels!” is unhelpful.
I don’t want to hear name-calling. I don’t want to hear who started it. I don't want to hear “Catholics are blasphemous.” I don't want to hear “It's not Judeo-Christian because.”
Do you believe in God? If the answer is yes, then the f***ers behind the Olympics are going to come for you eventually. Unless you push back.
Yeah, I’m all for glassing Gaza. I'm for throwing campus rioters into GITMO … right next to "Jane's Revenge." I'm for hate crime legislation for anyone who burns a Synagogue or Church. Maybe if Christians and Jews band together and do what Muslims do every time there's a Mohammed cartoon, they'll think twice.
The war to secularize everything has become a war on God. Backed with actual demons, on full display. Unless we all push back, for real, then I don't see the point. Get ready for more garbage in our future
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