You might be part of this blog and go, “Is Declan still alive?”
You may have even seen me on social media, or at LibertyCon.
The next question is, what is that fat bastard doing?
I’ll tell you … I’ve been busy.
You may remember my Love at First Bite vampire series. Maybe you remember Saint Tommy, NYPD.
Buy my books
How would you like a follow up for Love at First Bite?
And another Saint Tommy novel?
I have a five book series that I’m getting ready to launch. It’s called Honeymoon from Hell.
Book four is called Cross Over.
Guess what? It’s a crossover.
And these books have been done for months. And they’ve been rewritten at least once. Why haven’t they been released sooner? Hint: I’m self-publishing them. Why aren’t I publishing them with Three Ravens, the people who are publishing Love at First Bite? You’d have to ask them. I don’t think they’ve made any public announcements about their current issues. I could be wrong.
I will be discussing Honeymoon from Hell more over the coming weeks. I have covers. I have merchandizing. I have a cafepress store with shirts and mugs and things.
However, the biggest thing I’ve been working on has been a new novel I’ve been calling On Tiber’s Edge. (Title subject to change)
Subtitle: A Land & Sea novel.
If that means nothing to you, a little bit of backstory.
Blaine Lee Pardoe is an author who used to write Battletech novels. If you don’t know what Battletech is, it’s an RPG, and I don’t mean a rocket propelled grenade. Since Blaine is to the right of Mao, he fell out with Battletech … mostly because of a deranged stalker who made a number of absurd claims.
So, Blaine told them to stuff their games and went out to create his own world of big stompy mechs. There are several reviews over at Upstream, which you should already be subscribed to. I’ll be reviewing them myself once my scheduled gets unf***ed.
And the Land & Sea series is brilliant. It’s Tom Clancy with mech combat. And aliens. Can’t forget the aliens.
At one point, Blaine put a line into his books about the Catholic church declaring a crusade against the alien hordes. So he needed a book on what a crusade would look like. He needed someone Catholic.
Did I mention that Blaine read Hell Spawn?
So, first, that happened.
He needed a Catholic guy.
Guess who?
And, if you pop in at the 1:51:55 minute mark, he’ll explain further.
I’m still confused how about all these people know who I am.
Must be the jacket.
Anyway, so I’ve been working on a military science fiction novel. And I don’t mean White Ops, where the solution to everything is SpecOps / irregular forces win everything.
Right now, I am over 80,000 words into On Tiber’s Edge (title subject to change), and it’s kicking my ass a bit. After all, I’m playing in someone else’s world, his rules, and it’s not like I can just grab the RPG manual and look up everything … yet. It’s coming. I’ll probably post about it when it does.
I’ve been working with On Tiber’s Edge on and off since October. That was while I was also writing Honeymoon from Hell #4 and #5. And writing two short stories for the Fantastic School series. And maintaining the substack. And working with Upstream Reviews…
Anyway, as you can tell, I’ve been busy.
More from me soon on the kickstarter, Honeymoon from Hell, and just what the Hell is going on with my books.
As always, Non illegitimi carborundum
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