This blog is going to wander a bit, but I ask that you stay with me.
As of this minute, I'm not doing too badly in the Sad Puppy nominations. Enough so that Vile 770 is really, really rooting for me. Solely based on the premise that I will single-handedly destroy Sad Puppies just by being nominated. No, no joke.
So, great question, do I want a Hugo?
No idea.
Some people shoot for the moon, because why not?
I say that if you shoot for the moon, you're gonna run out of oxygen if you miss. Just ask any space mission.**

Author J. Michael Straczynski (and yes, I can spell that without looking up his name) grew up with the Hugo as a mark of good writing. The Hugos were everything good about science fiction. It was how he chose what to read growing up when he borrowed books from the pharmacy book rack (he always returned them without breaking the spine, so, it's really borrowing, not stealing). And when he got a Hugo, he was moved and surprised and in awe.
The only Hugo award winning novelists I've read in the last 15 years? JK Rowling and Neil Gaiman. That's it.
I grew up with Asimov and Neal Stephenson, These people don't rate.
Sure, I've read Hugo award winning novels. Ender's Game and Hyperion, and Dune. But lately? Those winners are not who I read on a regular basis.
For me, it's Weber and Ringo and Correia. They're people who have fun with powered armor and wrecking worlds. Mostly Baen authors.
And no novel from Baen will get another Hugo unless it's Lois Bujold. John Ringo doesn't want it. Kratman is more on the Rabid Puppy side. Correia doesn't want it. And no one has even discussed David Weber or Timothy Zahn, which is a crime in itself.
Then again, the people I admire also make money at writing. So I'll take that.
Without anyone I admire getting Hugos, I don't have the motivation of JMS. So, solely on my own initiative, do I want the grand prize?
First of all, I think I'll be shocked and amazed if I get a Sad Puppy nomination. Delighted as Hell. Because on the one hand? The women in charge of Sad Puppies 4 want thousands of people involved in this. That's PR I can't buy ... okay, maybe I can buy it, but I couldn't afford it.
Also, it means that a sudden and violent wave of animosity will come down on me like the hand of Satan, and I'll take that press. After all, I am a Cis White Male with blond(ish) hair and blue eyes. I'm even Catholic, so Vile 770, the Guardian, and everyone else who want to lynch the big dogs will be able to go into Opus Dei conspiracy theories instead of evil Mormon comments.
Because, yes, I can see the CHORFs spinning Vatican conspiracy theories should I get a nomination. A Pius Man will suddenly be lambasted with negative reviews. I'll get a whole 15-seconds of fame, and I'll probably end up with the usual reputation of everyone else -- evil blah blah blah.
But as I've noted before, I'm a Conservative Catholic in New York City. For me, this is called Tuesday.
As of this minute, I'm not doing too badly in the Sad Puppy nominations. Enough so that Vile 770 is really, really rooting for me. Solely based on the premise that I will single-handedly destroy Sad Puppies just by being nominated. No, no joke.
So, great question, do I want a Hugo?
No idea.
Some people shoot for the moon, because why not?
I say that if you shoot for the moon, you're gonna run out of oxygen if you miss. Just ask any space mission.**

Author J. Michael Straczynski (and yes, I can spell that without looking up his name) grew up with the Hugo as a mark of good writing. The Hugos were everything good about science fiction. It was how he chose what to read growing up when he borrowed books from the pharmacy book rack (he always returned them without breaking the spine, so, it's really borrowing, not stealing). And when he got a Hugo, he was moved and surprised and in awe.
The only Hugo award winning novelists I've read in the last 15 years? JK Rowling and Neil Gaiman. That's it.
I grew up with Asimov and Neal Stephenson, These people don't rate.

For me, it's Weber and Ringo and Correia. They're people who have fun with powered armor and wrecking worlds. Mostly Baen authors.
And no novel from Baen will get another Hugo unless it's Lois Bujold. John Ringo doesn't want it. Kratman is more on the Rabid Puppy side. Correia doesn't want it. And no one has even discussed David Weber or Timothy Zahn, which is a crime in itself.
Then again, the people I admire also make money at writing. So I'll take that.
Without anyone I admire getting Hugos, I don't have the motivation of JMS. So, solely on my own initiative, do I want the grand prize?
First of all, I think I'll be shocked and amazed if I get a Sad Puppy nomination. Delighted as Hell. Because on the one hand? The women in charge of Sad Puppies 4 want thousands of people involved in this. That's PR I can't buy ... okay, maybe I can buy it, but I couldn't afford it.
Also, it means that a sudden and violent wave of animosity will come down on me like the hand of Satan, and I'll take that press. After all, I am a Cis White Male with blond(ish) hair and blue eyes. I'm even Catholic, so Vile 770, the Guardian, and everyone else who want to lynch the big dogs will be able to go into Opus Dei conspiracy theories instead of evil Mormon comments.
Because, yes, I can see the CHORFs spinning Vatican conspiracy theories should I get a nomination. A Pius Man will suddenly be lambasted with negative reviews. I'll get a whole 15-seconds of fame, and I'll probably end up with the usual reputation of everyone else -- evil blah blah blah.
But as I've noted before, I'm a Conservative Catholic in New York City. For me, this is called Tuesday.