Eric Postma once said that Saint Tommy was the book series to go to to watch a hero punch demons in the face.
He approached me a while back about doing an anthology around a theme of Punching Demons.
Punching Demons became something else.
This blog tracks the epic of kick-starting a whole writing career, with spies and thrillers, now saints and vampires. I cover the creative process, stuff that blows up, history, philosophy, and theology. If you like any or all of the above, you'll like this one. We talk about comic books, movies, music, and writing. Usually, all at the same time. [Note: All Amazon links here are associate links. Which means nothing to you, but it means Declan Finn gets a few pennies for the sale. Thank you.]
Eric Postma once said that Saint Tommy was the book series to go to to watch a hero punch demons in the face.
He approached me a while back about doing an anthology around a theme of Punching Demons.
Punching Demons became something else.
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